10 2011

I live in the future

I am a mess

It coud be worse

Do not bend

Jusqu’ici tout va bien

_La haine

What was beauty?

Use me, dream me 

She will have power

It terrifies me

In mourning and in rage

Les fleurs du mal

I can’t stop

Un genre de sauvagerie

Reasons not to panic

A lot of noise

It is now well known

The day the work is done


Unusual proposal

They don’t go away

It’s a coincidence

Finding your way

The time that remains

An addiction of

It’s a fiction

I’m dead now

Charnier, mass grave



Dear dead

Dear human

The answer is no

Forever ever

C’est la mort

The year of hibernation


Lumière noire

Black power

In the darkroom

The invention of

Heavenly cause

End of the day

Acedia or melancholy

A failure to love god

A very normal way

It’s like freedom

The more it disappears

To play the game

The game of seeing


Again and again

Take a deep breath

The killing field

The day the world went away

Nature morte

I kept on waiting



À partir de maintenant c’est la fin

Dead meat

The innumerable and hidden beauties

which surround us

_Franco Maria Ricci

It became an obsession

Delirious magical

Now i’m fine

You don’t have a future

Cry me a river

We are all

Hug me

Imperfect Life

I look at him

What could this possibly be?

The final day was yesterday

There is a place

Standing on a cliff

La mécanique

Une femme sujet

A painting is a really thin sculpture

In being dug up

Together again

From dust to ashes

Destroy everything you touch

Trying to resist boredom


No U turn at any time

Love Will found you

A line in the sand

The violence of the impassive

I will not hurt you

The end is never right

We can burn brighter than the sun

You are the blood

Dark was the night

It’s a killer

Love me now


I am not free

Hurry up

Reality, truth and harmony

S.A.D seasonal affecting disorder

What is the theme



06 2012

Perfumed pinks, dreaming blues,

peaceful yellows


Violent reds


Take me to bed and love me

Gift shop

Free from obligations to human sentiment

Beauty exists only in struggle

There is no masterpiece that has not

an aggressive character

Le printemps porte l’espoir de l’été

Refused to hold the past as sacred

Do the obvious

Why don’t you finish the unfinished

Destroy all monsters

I’ve got a secret.

Where the wind blows?

I want to fly

But who are you?

07 2012

Moi même je suis pas sure de ces essais

sur l’humain, ses abimes...

Mais je veux des écorchés vifs...

Entre bourreaux et victimes...

Je veux des êtres... Pleins...

Qui ont vécues... 

Apres la fête...

Tard tard dans la nuit... 

Quand tout a été possible...

Quand tout est arrivé...

Et ce qu il en reste... Ce moment...

Cet être

État brut

Sous le sable

Tout est contraste en moi

parce que tout est contrarié


Forget fear

C’est une lutte autant qu’une étreinte

Défi et désir

Never explain never complain

Out of the blue




Noir contexte

Chambre froide

When it’s deserted is a favorite


The stain you leave on me

I’m glad you put your stain on me


L’eau froide

If you tame me

Je me tiens au bord d’un précipice,

mais la vue est merveilleuse»

_Tracey Emin

10  2012

Nonstop sunshine makes for a desert

I’ll be your?

Mad as hell

Mad as well?

I’ll be your mirror

I’ll be what you want

Please me

The spleen

The past is inevitable

I obey... but i want to choose first

why i obey and who i obey to...

_Sophie Calle

Love is madness

Grave on grave

Black lighty

Reste humain

A terrible beauty

He didn’t choose to be ugly

Règne animal

We are young

Young, wild and free

Young till you die

Young at heart

Young and the restless

Forever young

01 2013

Please touch

It's almost over

Please forgive me

Heaven needs its Hell

Quête tragédie mort résurection

Victime bourreau sauveur


06 2013

After dark

Sang sueur gloire




09 2013

As if a kind of transfiguration

Not vital

No exit

L'origine du monde

All you can dream is what you saw in


All the power you ever wanted

You still feel disgusted

Allow things to live on after death

How to disappear

Un amour si fou


La tuerie

Au jour le jour

Je porte les malaises du monde



jugular moment

Les veines jugulaires sont les

vaisseaux qui drainent le sang

appauvri en oxygène, en provenance

de la tête jusqu'au coeur.

On dénombre plusieurs veines

jugulaires : deux veines jugulaires

internes, les plus volumineuses, deux

veines jugulaires externes, deux

veines jugulaires postérieures et deux

veines jugulaires antérieures réparties

de chaque côté du cou, qu'elles

parcourent. Elles drainent donc le

sang du cerveau et de la face et

rejoignent les veines subclavières.

Les veines jugulaires internes sont des

veines de gros calibres et des lésions

les atteignant peuvent être à l'origine

d'hémorragies massives.

South african grey (granite)

11 2013

I hurt myself today

...to see if I still feel

I focus on the pain

the only thing that's real...

_Johnny Cash

La répétition de la figure se rapporte

souvent à son exténuation

Mind wide close

Celui qui fut torturé reste torturé

La tristesse, la pitié, la peine mais

sûrement aussi la peur

Le suprématisme de la couleur...

carré noir sur fond blanc

_Malevitch 1915

L’intérêt pour les réflexions

contemporaines de la peinture tels

que la réinterprétation d’images déjà

médiatisées (photographies

d’actualité) et/ou leur manipulation

(zoom, montage, hors-champ) permet

de traiter des thèmes essentiels de

notre société.

Alors que nous sommes submergés

d’images, choisir d’en retenir

certaines. Ce tri peut s’opérer sur le

net ou parmi des imprimés. S’inspirer

de ces photos, les transformer, se les

approprier pour en donner un autre

résultat, son propre regard.

Neither war nor peace

It is best to think if the faces as


I am interested in the paradox

between identity and uniformity,

in the power and vulnerability

of each individual

Minimalist, muscular, monastic,


Jugular / muscular?

Un air de désolation

Poetry of decay

Never complain never explain

Désolation, séparation, aliénation

Black is beautiful

Art is a way of sleeping with

the enemy

_Marlene Dumas

The anxiety of repetition

The main anxiety of now

This is our momento

We are all in the dark room

Feeling where is the wall

What do you want them to feel

Series of rituals

First thought best thought

Filtered reality

My playlist Fever Ray

Step away from the computer

You do you

_Joshua davis

You can't always want what you get

It is not desirable to get

everything you want

You owe me

The Barbarian

Tout m'afflige et me nuit et conspire

à me nuire

_Racine, Phèdre

La chambre vide

I'm deeply interested in what humans

want from other humans

_Lucy Clout

The impossibility if ever knowing

the whole

Cabinet de curiosité

07 2014

I feel you

Loss of empire

Les gisants

08 2014 

Faits divers

Les Transis



If they gun me down I would go


10 2014

Free your mind and your ass will


_George Clinton or Liz Craft

Every photograph is a battle of form

versus content

_Garry Winogrand

10 2014


Hiroshima mon amour


It's cold outside

Humanity or the lack of it is what

drives me


This is not an accident


All things come to an end

Who watch horror film for fun

As we expect to live into our eighties

How to disappear

Vanishment made easy

The sun is god


No one is going to shoot us

Love me like i'm not made of stone

L'amnésie nous guette




La saignée



Les déportés

01 2015

Vivre sa vie


The story of humanity

I think i'm in love

Tell her i miss her

I want to see more you

Les gisants

Les revenants

Those who can't come back

The psychology of domination

From the huge and absurd to the

tiniest mnemonic souvenirs dormant

in a shoebox under the bed, we all

need these moments, these objects,

these ideas. These are the things

we are.

Take a deep breath

Strike a pose

What should stay the same?

The ambiguity about whether it's


L'état du monde

No man is safe

You can run but you can't hide

04 2015

Attacking the sun

I want to believe

Like spoiled children

Don't trust anybody

Tout est parfait

05 2015

The past is never dead.

It's not even the past

_William Faulkner

Am I a Pop romantic? 

de Painting after Pollock

06 2015

We need to stop using plastics!

Our only planet

Drawing is thinking

This is not a love song

The joys of spring

The day the end will come

I need the beach

Choose your last word

Don't Tell me i'm insane

Dark was the night

Don't forget me

Any time now

D'un instant à l'autre

Un chien vivant vaut mieux

qu'un lion mort

An effort to show the complexity of

Life, the density of situations, the

aftermath of the... and it's


The project is a kind of journal,

one that narrates life and history,

the disappearance of humanity

The rise of society

Mutation and identity

Le goût d'un recommencement, de

revenir à l'origine alors que tout est

possible, savoir que l'on ne pourra

rien effacer et vouloir retourné au

début pour...

Quand ça ne se passe pas au début

ça ne se passe pas après

The destroyer

The unscathed (indemne)

Le passé est devant nous

Thinking the unthinkable

Raising questions but never

answering them

In the middle of nowhere

Au milieu de nul part

Fake it till you make it

The great regression

Or channelling childhood

And impossible to forget

I'm still a slave to beauty

08 2015

The sorrow and disorder of lifes

Bite the hand that feed you but not

too hard

They should bite the hand that feeds


but not too hard

The altar of Zeus

Éviscéré ces sujets


What makes us human

The one and only

10 2015

My fear of death has fueled much of

the anxiety I've experienced as an


... drawn by a mixture of sadness,


and extreme curiosity...

Death and life

Now and then

Love and hate

Short and sweet

Long and dry

Come and sit

Watch and wait

Pleasure and pain

Fantasy and reality

Art and life

Cause and effect

Another mortal threat

Not only love can break your hear

Follow your heart

La vie sauvage

L'homme invisible

The Man inside

Never a dull moment

Siren song

... Revelling the horror of the society,

but also loving it at the same time

... A decadent reality...

The resistance in understandable

The rarer the better

12 2015

La membrane du corps

I'm like an animal that catches his

prey in the way I paint... I don't let it

go until I've got it...

Making things quite big... Trying to

make the viewer into a child?

Part man, part animal

Material world


That is the real inponderable




Interested in dissecting, refracting

and examining the body... the



The rules of the games

The real crisis (vautours)

Mass murder


As an absence

Day into night

Night into day

Je suis un voleur d'idoles...

History of violence

L'origine des espèces

_Charles Darwin

Evolution parallèle

Lutte pour l'existence

Nous sommes des animaux sociaux...

Natural selection

I am a collector

This is not America

"Look up here, I'm in heaven"

Wild is the wind

_Bowie 1947-2016 15 janvier

As humans, we always want more


What is duality?

01 2016

Latent, present but not visible,

apparent, oractualized; existing as


My work exists with certain notion of

life and death... It's a thing that make

me think about finality, and it's

statement about after death....

About my own immortality/mortality...

Entering consciousness

Repression and desire

Cultural conditioning of repression

and desire

That struggle...

It's manifestation in tyranny, trauma,


L'origine du monde

_Gustave Courbet

I revolt simply because I can no

longer breathe...

One million years

Not ready to accept the ferocity of life

Accreation, something that has

grown or accumulated slowly : a

product or result of gradual growth

The quantity of accretion and

devastation ...That we experience...

l'accrétion aurait une conséquence...

L'accroissement, l'augmentation...

... Turned to reenactment as a means

of exploring the representational

challenges posed by traumatic


A rehearsal

I was consumed by the certainty of


... Found beauty in even the darkest


A crack in modernity's facade...

A manic series...

Simulates a physical encounter with

vultures to embody the mythical

power of evil...

The intimate reality of the



Vautours, carnages, singes-humains,

sac de déchet, morceaux de viandes,

terre du début du monde... roches...

piles de matelas...

Sujets sous une lumière crue

Proximité brutale des sujets

Le plus muet des sujets peut devenir

sinistre sans que nous comprenions


Sinistre ou triste...?

Scènes de désolation apparement


Qu'est que la vérité de l'existence


The secret of longevity

10 2016

The funeral (les vautours)

Un bestiaire... Singes, vautours,


Un environnement... Fin du monde,

plage déserte, planète inerte, rocher


Appropriation: the adaptation of

images from a pre existing source as

the basis from a new work...

Predating the internet...

The act of borrowing often Mage into

a theme...

The impulse to discover and


Why did she pick that?

What did she do to it?

She kept questioning The social order ...

Le parallèle entre le monde animalier

et le genre humain?

A coterie of friends, lovers and


Depict the tragedy...

Violent trauma and stolid hope...

Experienced such tumultuous times...

A system of disbelief...

Suspension of disbelief...

The burden

Awakening the mind's attention from t

he lethargy of custom...

Gesture, like emotion, is back,

Anger, fear, love, sadness...

Obsessive repetition

Digging deep

Je suis comme un archéologue

La nausée de Sartre


Capitalisme et schizophrénie

I too am a slave

A violent passion for life

I began as a rock collector in my


My main influence

The brutalist

At the mercy of...

Lie die

The ambiguity of being/l ambiguïté

de l'être

Delicate inner life

An attempt to discover something

universal in individual stories...

I need to try this

Thinking about my own mortality...

The useless resistance

La resistance inutile

Le déjeuner sur l'herbe

Sorrow won

Kind of elusive

The sentence 

The primitive reaction

Because it is necessary to confront

the enemy face to face on the


Face à l'ennemi

Master and slave

Father I hate you

The enlightement

Fascinée par les mythes, l'histoire et


As an atheist, I sought to express

what it is to live in a world without


A world without god/ un monde sans


Les fétiches...

Life is either a daring adventure or


Sorrow or desire

08 2016


My work implies that ownership of


Can provide only temporary and not

eternal happiness...

Food decaying



Mostly sunshine mostly noir

Anesthésie générale

La fête fortuite

The fortuitous celebration 

Save yourself

Run away

Sauve toi

L'asymétrie nord sud=misère*

The lighting field

Field of combat

A fixation of ruins

D'après le dîner sur l'herbe 

This abject subject matter

The main reason for making a version

of a known subject maybe to


or isolate the condition of...

Act of god

I like it

Other people's hell

L'enfer des autres

The hell of others

It's all true (série des mots sur ma vie

That obscure object of desire

The wait is over (vautours)

La curiosité et la peur

lLannonce de la fin imminente 

Mauvais sang

The thrill of the chase

Because the night

L'homme est un loup pour l'hommes

Crainte du retour à la barbarie...

Rappel les origines de l'humain et le

possible retour à la barbarie

A terrible season

all over the world, marked by intense

spasms of violence

Mon cœur bat à tout rompre

Le vent à tout emporté

Side by side on the same front

Images you can't forget

You need to be far from to be amazed

A balance between the two

La fausse mort

La vie est un mensonge

L'architecture de la mort

The infinite the endless the eternal

Us mortals

Les gisants temporaire

Short-lived pleasure = dyspeptic


The observation of social habits

(transposé sur des animaux)

In the waiting... of death?

03 2017

Une rue en moi

A road in me


The spirit of occupation

Extra-legal violence

La contestation



Le fardeau


La peur

La résistance

La méfiance

La détermination



La honte

La paresse



Le désir



La douleur/the pain

Le complice

La douleur



Le chaos




Le cercle




La disparition

La révélation

La sensation

Le conflit/the conflict

The departed/le disparu

La brûlure/the burn

L'intifada (roche)

Les apparences

The safe haven

Les restes/the remnant

The super market (sac)

A pile of ruins

How can we dream in a pile of ruins?I

I had nothing I had everything

Under the skin

Master and servant

The mass plastic produced since

1950 in close to six billion metric

tons, enough to wrap the entire


We don't have time

I've said before that Western society,

in order to create culture, has also

created a lot of violence. Those things

go hand in hand

_Luc Tuymans

Dark and discreet

Did you feel it in your gut?

Did you feel it in your ribs?

Apocalyptic landscape

Nobody's land

I might fly away

What it is to be human

There is no escape

All the things you can't change

T'habitus et le comportement humain

Un comportement familier

The final day/ les derniers jours

Sudden impulse

The garden of earthy delight

Is it paradoxal to resent modernity?

The chain of reproduction

A deserted state

A deserted mind

A touch of ire / colère

Nothing we did could saved them

L'inertie et le mouvant

Le périssable et le permanent

The age of enlightenment

The age of darkness

L'ère des lumières

Enlightenment era

06 2017

What have we done?

And what can we do now?

How can we reinvent a new

humanism after its failure?

How the individual relates to the

vastness of the earth, or, more

properly, to the Anthropocene.

As real as it can be

Just gone. no need to explain

You prefer to dream

Governed by fear

Fear stiffens the body


Stiffness of death

Les états sauvage

État sauvage

L'état sauvage

La fin du monde


Are they coming to kill us

or to save us?

What does it mean to be human?

The never ending war

The never ending

Sans fin

Don't look back



Remember we are mortal

We are mortal


Fire of unknown origin

Death comes I can't do nothing

The desirable

It was a night of nights

Trouble man

A season in hell

This is the end

C'est la fin

Je suis de la famille des écorchés

The good and the bad and the worst

and the best

Have gone to their eternal rest

Wanted to understand human


Why people couldn't be rational,

control themselves, caused pain to

others, wished

to dominate and destroy

_Sigmund Freud

There are excellent drugs now to dull

anguish, so it's a good time to live

Sans soleil

08 2017

Just make it painless 

No common ground

I just want to cry

Le spécisme est la considération 

que des membres d’une certaine espèce 

ont des droits moraux plus étendus 

ou supérieurs à ceux accordés

à d’autres espèces, 

notamment la considération

morale supérieure que les humains

accordent à leur propre espèce. 

Ce concept éthique est surtout utilisé par 

les défenseurs des droits des animaux, 

en particulier ceux qui se définissent 

comme antispécistes.

10 2017

When the sun goes down

Before the flood

Avant le déluge

Assault of the present

L’assaut du présent 

Les images nous choquent sans

nous concerner...

You are now

You are everything 

The limit of human behavior 

La limite du genre humain 



11 2017

Les sauvages


Are you one of us

Harder than ever to answer 

Humanity cannot be separated

from nature 

There is no egalitarian code

Cabinets of curiosity 

There is no way to escape 

The domestic destiny

The domestication 

Unlucky creature

A sense of sadness

A sense of solitude 

Reptile brain and frontal cortex 

It’s own living presence 

The illusion of evolution 

Why should we remain human?

01 2018

Trying to keep this tragedy alive

Especially raw

The multifaceted portrait of loss

Sometime it’s full and clear

Don’t let them attack each other

They attack each other 

You imagine what you desire 

Everything escapes you

The beautiful sad

The unspeakable pain of others

To see in the dark

Kicking, screaming 

Seemingly devoid of meaning 


Overstretched before burning out

Idle time

Swipe delete done 


Done/ gone

Untouched by strife

The weather system

The open water

Another storm rage

High tide

02 2018

In search of truth

Someone will remember us

Blood, sweat and fear

Les combats

Longue durée 

Difference, displacement and


Something light, unpredictable 

and fluid

I am interested in failure

At least I can keep the corpse alive 

Storm season

Sea change

Stranded souls waiting for rescue

It cannot be defeated 

it will not cease 

it does not care

01 04 2018

The universal future

This regressive acceleration

The rapid dilatation of the past

The very long term

How to domesticate nature

How to operate their own chains

of extinctions 

The feeling of the own insignificance 

Now, an age of darkness

The beginning and the end

Child born without a mother,

a mother dead without a child

—Salomon Reinach

The cave, a bunker and a refuge

Nowhere to be found

The obsolescence of everything 

The sense of an imminent, absolute ending

Beyond the zone of pain

Le passage de l'animal à l'homme

et la naissance de l'art

In a state of decay

Sweat stains or bodily fluids


Home of the free,

land of the dead

In the middle of nowhere 

05 2018

When everything aligns

If you dissect a bird

The sublime in nature

When you are asleep,

sleep leaves you vulnerable to predation 

There is comfort in repetition

Dissolving our fundamental sense of solitude

This is about disappointment 

I will tear your face _Travis

I will bite your hand

08 2018

La grâce de l’aile d’un oiseau mort _MD

L’air tremble de chaleur

Reality is what you can get away with 

Binding or stitching in order to heal

The hunter or the hunted

You’re either the oppressed or the oppressor 

09 2018

Subtle death threat

The cobra

The new savagery

The land of the lost

Run toward fire

If this is a man

A thin line


A luxury is something you might want but don’t need,

likely to be valuable but pointless. 

Is art itself a luxury? 

_Paul Carey-Kent

A universal light

Everything means something or not

Fascination with the inhuman 

Beauty is a sum of accidents 

_Jean-Jacques Schuhl 

There is an emptiness, an absence of the human form

La question de l’identité nous agite tous 

While dark, is not dark enough 

All of a sudden